This new recipe had me going through the usual research. Then I realized I had a great recipe to begin with and I just had to turn it on it’s head. The main research was in Vienna malt itself. Most brewers don’t want to use this much Vienna malt. I wanted to try a larger amount of the malt to get the most out of the flavor. Most disasters start with curious intentions, but with the volume I like to brew, those are good to have and learn from. Brewing is a zen reflection and a time when you pour gasoline on your character flaws. I had a little gremlin with me and had a boil-over that didn’t get too far. Just a sticky mess to clean up and usually only adds time at the end. A 1.040 gravity reading told me that the efficiency wasn’t there and I should have recirculated a bit. Added Chinook at the 60 min mark of a 90 min boil and finished off with some Hallertau. The Marzen I brewed earlier was a definite plus the weekend I brewed this beer.
Type of Ingredient | Amount |
Vienna | 7.5 lbs |
Pilsner | 3 lbs |
CaraMunich 3 | .5 lbs |
CaraPils | .5 lbs |